News from Anadolu Isuzu

  • Anadolu Isuzu delivers 107 D-Max 4x4 pick-ups to Konya MEDAŞ

    Anadolu Isuzu delivers 107 D-Max 4x4 pick-ups to Konya MEDAŞ

    Anadolu Isuzu delivered 107 D-Max 4x4 pick-ups to Konya Meram Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş. Isuzu D-Maxes, the company's assertive representative in the pick-up market, will be used for maintenance and repair purposes in MEDAŞ's electricity distribution field operations in Konya and surroinding provinces.

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  • Anadolu Isuzu yetkili servis ağını Diyarbakır Trucks Otomotiv ile güçlendirdi

    Anadolu Isuzu yetkili servis ağını Diyarbakır Trucks Otomotiv ile güçlendirdi

    Anadolu Isuzu, ticari araç yetkili servis ağını daha da geliştirip güçlendirmeye yönelik yatırımlarına hız kesmeden devam ediyor. Diyarbakır Trucks Otomotiv, Anadolu Isuzu’nun Diyarbakır’daki tek yetkili servisi olarak hizmet vermeye başladı.

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  • Anadolu Isuzu wins Customer Brand of the Year Award once again

    Anadolu Isuzu wins Customer Brand of the Year Award once again

    Anadolu Isuzu was selected as the

    “Best Brand of the Year in Customer Experience Management” at ALFA Awards in 2023.

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  • Anadolu Isuzu participates Busworld Europe Brussels Fair with its electric vehicles

    Anadolu Isuzu participates Busworld Europe Brussels Fair with its electric vehicles

    Standing out with its electric vehicles recently, Anadolu Isuzu introduced the latest model added to its portfolio, NovoVolt, for the first time at the Busworld Europe Brussels Fair. In addition to the 100% Biogas compatible Kendo 13 CNG and Isuzu Grand Toro, the fully electric NovoCiti VOLT and CitiVolt models exhibited by the company at the fair were also highly appreciated by the visitors. The CitiVolt model won the Excellence award in the “SAFETY BUS” category at the Busworld Vehicle Awards 2023 held during the fair.

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  • Anadolu Isuzu takes its position 20 spots higher  in Turkey's 100 Most Valuable Brands list

    Anadolu Isuzu takes its position 20 spots higher in Turkey's 100 Most Valuable Brands list

    Anadolu Isuzu elevated its position by 20 spots compared to last year in “Turkey's Most Valuable Brands 2023” research, published by Brand Finance. Entering the list of 100 Most Valuable Brands as number 97 in 2022, the company improved its ranking up to 77th in 2023. Anadolu Isuzu was also positioned as the second-highest brand that increased its value this year, by 101 percent.

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  • Anadolu Isuzu continues to grow in the French market

    Anadolu Isuzu continues to grow in the French market

    Turkey's commercial vehicle brand Anadolu Isuzu continues to add new milestones to its international successes. Having delivered more than 1200 buses and medium sized buses to France from 2015 until the end of 2022, the company increased its market share to 9% in the first 7 months of 2023, becoming one of the three most successful players in France in this field.

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  • New vehicle shipment from Anadolu Isuzu to North Macedonia

    New vehicle shipment from Anadolu Isuzu to North Macedonia

    Anadolu Isuzu's exports to the Balkans region continue increasing.  The company reinforced its dominance in North Macedonia with the delivery of Citiport 12m Diesel, Citibus AT, Novociti and NOVO models to Shtip Municipality.

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  • "Export Success Award" to Anadolu Isuzu by Uludağ Automotive Industry Exporters’ Association

    "Export Success Award" to Anadolu Isuzu by Uludağ Automotive Industry Exporters’ Association

    Anadolu Isuzu was recognized by the Uludağ Automotive Industry Exporters' Association (OIB) once again for its outstanding production and export performance in 2022. The company won the "Export Success Award" in the Gold Category.

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  • Anadolu Isuzu's autonomous electric bus  passes the driving tests successfully

    Anadolu Isuzu's autonomous electric bus passes the driving tests successfully

    Turkey's commercial vehicle brand Anadolu Isuzu's efforts to develop and integrate autonomous driving technologies into their vehicles have reached a new stage. Solutions developed with open-source technologies make the new generation medium size coaches and buses produced by Anadolu Isuzu ready for fully autonomous driving.

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  • Anadolu Isuzu showcased its innovative and eco-friendly vehicles at the UITP

    Anadolu Isuzu showcased its innovative and eco-friendly vehicles at the UITP

    Anadolu Isuzu made a significant impact with its innovative and eco-friendly models at the UITP Global Public Transport Summit, one of the most prestigious events in the commercial automotive industry. The company participated in the event with its latest electric bus models and the BIG.e electric truck, a new addition to its fully electric range in the micromobility segment. Anadolu Isuzu garnered great interest from visitors due to its robust lineup.

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