Environmental Policy

As Anadolu Isuzu, we are committed to:

  • Continuously improving the environmental performance of our production activities, products, and services.
  • Using natural resources consciously.
  • Preventing pollution at its source.
  • Increasing the use of renewable energy resources with a vision of 100% renewable energy dependency.
  • Ensuring energy efficiency to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Continuing our activities in line with net-zero emission targets.
  • Attaching importance to biodiversity issues to protect the ecological balance.
  • Reducing the impacts of climate change.
  • Complying with the required legal obligations and meeting the expectations of stakeholders.
  • Increasing environmental awareness and consciousness.
  • Supporting and raising the awareness of our suppliers and stakeholders on environmental issues.
  • We undertake to continuously protect the environment by establishing a sustainable environmental management system in all our processes towards these goals.

Environment and Our Aims – Targets;

  • Disposal of wastes by collecting them in an appropriate way, and reduction of wastes,
  • Savings on the energy consumption,
  • Developing the environment consciousness
  • Savings on the water consumption,
  • Collection of dangerous wastes in an appropriate way, their disposal and/or recycling,
  • Compliance With Lengislation

    Complying with related environment legislations, laws and administrative regulations; being in cooperation with organizations with aims.

  • Usage of Appropriate Technologies

    Enabling the usage of technologies – which will give minimum damage to the environment - insofar as the economic and commercial opportunities permit in order to protect the natural resources and to prevent them from pollution. Featuring environment-friendly applications in design and manufacturing processes

  • Enabling the Participation

    Enabling the active participation of all employees with the responsibility and consciousness of protecting the environment; and increasing the consciousness with effective flow of information and education for this purpose; and enabling their participation in environmental activities along with our sub-contractors and industrial enterprises.

  • Efficient Usage of the Resources

    Minimizing the environmental effect and pollution in our wastes which go into the air, water and earth; keeping the effects – which arise during processing, purification, disposal and storing – under control; encouraging savings and enabling the efficient usage of natural resources; heading towards the recycling of wastes by following the developing technologies.