Sustainability Policy

Anadolu Isuzu is committed to internalizing and implementing sustainability and to achieving sustainability throughout its value-creation chain.

Varlık Nedeni


Anadolu Isuzu is committed to internalizing and implementing sustainability and to achieving sustainability throughout its value-creation chain.

In line with this commitment, we embrace the global sustainability agenda and take measures needed to make it an integral part of our operations and of our corporate governance approach and structure.

Our primary and invariable objective is to create enduring value for our stakeholders by raising the economic, environmental, and social output of our activities to the highest possible level. We encourage our stakeholders–especially our customers, suppliers, and employees–to internalize sustainability themselves and we regard such efforts on our part as complementary elements of our primary objective.

Basic Principles

This Anadolu Isuzu Sustainability Policy is informed by the following basic principles:

  • Be in full compliance with all laws, regulations, administrative provisions, and rules that apply to any market in which we have operations and, wherever possible, outperform minimum requirements;
  • Through a corporate identity that embraces sustainability comprehensively, integrate sustainability issues into all aspects of our business and work processes and corporate decisions;
  • Develop employees’ awareness of sustainability issues in such a way as to help such awareness having an increasingly greater and more beneficial impact on their work and private lives;
  • Minimize the adverse impact that any of our processes or activities such as R&D, production, logistics, and/or after-sales services might have on the environment;
  • Respond to market and customer expectations with the recognition that sustainability is a fundamental driving force of our ability to compete in national and international markets;
  • Expand the scope of our positive impact on sustainability issues through collaborations that we enter into all along our value-creation chain;
  • Keep our customers and suppliers informed about our sustainability policy and support our suppliers in their efforts to implement sustainable management practices;
  • Report our sustainability performance and ensure full compliance with globally-accepted criteria and guidelines in the conduct of such reporting.

In order to implement the foregoing basic principles and to enhance the value that such efforts generate along the three separate axes of economic, environmental, and social sustainability, Anadolu Isuzu conducts its operations within the framework described below:

Sustainability Framework

Economic Performance

We focus on generating consistent financial results and on increasing our contributions to the Turkish economy and to social wellbeing through sustainable operational success.

We develop our internal, external, and market activities so as to manage risk correctly and rationally while also serving the realization of our sustainable profitability goals through effective cost management and productivity efforts.

We regard the goals of protecting and improving our balance-sheet health, increasing shareholder value, and strengthening our market presence as being essential for strong economic performance.

Production and Service

In the conduct of our production operations and after-sales services, we work closely with our suppliers and business partners in order to deliver R&D-driven solutions and to manage risks correctly.

In the conduct of our production operations and service processes, we also meticulously assess our sustainability performance and we move forward by recognizing opportunities that are capable of nurturing continuous development.

We acknowledge that the ultimate aim of every vehicle which we develop and make and which we support through our after-sales services is to provide people with rational and economical mobility solutions and to add value to their lives.

Human Resources

We believe in diversity and inclusion. In keeping with the policies and practices to which we are committed, we take a “People First” approach when dealing with each and every one of our employees. In light of our corporate values and culture, we provide our employees with humane working conditions together with a complete disregard for any differences of language, religion, race, or gender.

Through our performance, development, and feedback programs, we help all of our employees fulfill their personal and professional aspirations.

Occupational Health & Safety

Our occupational health & safety management system is intended not just to satisfy the requirements of laws and regulations but also to play a major role in ensuring the continuity of workplace safety and in fostering OHS awareness among personnel. Projects are carried out in order to prevent work-related accidents, injuries, and illnesses in service of our goal of keeping incident frequencies as close to zero as possible.


Each of us is focused on behaving as a conscientious environmental citizen should. With this in mind, we carry out projects aimed both at minimizing the adverse environmental impact of the vehicles we make and at reducing any emissions and waste arising from our production, trade, and/or service operations. In keeping with our goal of contributing to the sustainability of global water resources, we strive in various ways to reduce the consumption of water in all of our production and use processes.


The principle of voluntarism lies at the heart of the systematic and planned approach that we take in the conduct of our social responsibility activities. Such activities are carried out by employees whose participation is voluntary and whose numbers are encouraged to increase steadily year after year. Particular attention is given to education, environment, and disability issues.

Governance and Assurance

As a publicly-traded company, we regard effective corporate governance and compliance not just as a requirement of laws and regulations but also as a matter of crucial importance in achieving economic performance that is both successful and sustainable. A company-embracing governance and reporting system and its associated tools as well as human resources training, oversight, and transparency in practices all contribute to our efforts in this area and drive development opportunities forward.

Policy Implementation & Responsibility

The general manager is responsible for the implementation of this Anadolu Isuzu Sustainability Policy. In keeping with the dynamic and project-based sustainability management practices to which the company is committed, the general manager may task working groups with matters pertaining to the sustainability principles and achieving the sustainability objectives set forth in this policy.

At regular intervals, Anadolu Isuzu reviews the consequences and tangible results of its sustainability efforts, assesses their impact on every aspect of its sustainability framework, and makes such changes as may be required.