Anadolu Isuzu and ILO collaborate for gender equality


On March 8, International Women's Day, Anadolu Isuzu signed a protocol with the International Labour Organization (ILO) to ensure that women reach an equal and strong position in society and business life and to promote gender equality.

Anadolu Isuzu signed a protocol with the United Nations International Labour Organization (ILO) to work on the "Model for the Development of Gender Equality". The signing ceremony, which took place on March 8, International Women's Day, was attended by Anadolu Isuzu General Manager Tuğrul Arıkan and ILO Turkey Office Director Yasser Ahmed Hassan, along with as female employees and guests working on various positions at Anadolu Isuzu.


In his speech at the signing ceremony, Anadolu Isuzu General Manager Tuğrul Arıkan stated that the signed cooperation protocol will pave the way for even more concrete steps to be taken to increase equal opportunities for women in working life and to promote gender equality. "I believe that this project, we will carry out in cooperation with ILO, will make a significant difference in reducing the challenges faced by our female employees in their career journeys and increasing their career opportunities. Thanks to this cooperation, we will implement projects that will contribute to strengthening the position of our women in business life" he added.
Stating that Anadolu Isuzu is proud to be moving towards the goal of providing a more fair, equal and inclusive working environment Arıkan also said: "Women having equal rights in social and economic life is not only a requirement of social justice, but also one of the cornerstones of sustainable development. Today, as Anadolu Isuzu, we are excited to move one step further towards women's empowerment and gender equality. Together with all our employees, men and women, we pledge that we will continue to raise awareness on gender equality and equal opportunities and take steps in this direction."


In his speech, ILO Turkey Office Director Yasser Ahmed Hassan stated that it is very meaningful that the protocol between ILO and Anadolu Isuzu is signed on March 8, International Women's Day, and said, "With this Protocol, we are partnering to touch the heart of the working lives of women in Turkey. "I would like to thank and congratulate Anadolu Isuzu for this important and pioneering step towards the implementation of gender equality in the workplace."


Anadolu Isuzu continues to contribute to the female workforce

In line with the values of the Anadolu Group, Anadolu Isuzu has so far provided 24 women welders, painters and electricians with professional qualifications through the Anadolu Isuzu Professional Development Program, which is based on equal opportunity, inclusiveness and diversity. Within the scope of the program, 11 women were employed on the brand's production lines. Considering the fact that the labour force participation rate of women in automotive production is merely 6.8 percent, Anadolu Isuzu contributed to the employment of women in the production areas where they are needed with this project, while also underlining the fact that women can work at every stage of production. Anadolu Isuzu's project was deemed worthy of an award in the "Making a Difference for Women" category at the "Joint Future" awards organized by the Turkish Confederation of Employers' Associations (TISK).


Anadolu Isuzu also supported the Million Women Mentor Program, which aims to bring together young women between the ages of 15-25 working in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields and industry leaders on a digital platform, with the contributions of 20 employees. This program reached 17 female students and shed light on their careers.
Within the scope of its sustainability goals, Anadolu Isuzu aims to ensure that 30 percent of newly hired people are women and to increase the rate of female managers to 30 percent by 2030.


About ILO:

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is the United Nations specialized agency for the world of work. The ILO sets international labour standards, safeguards rights at work, promotes decent work opportunities, strengthens social protection and dialogue on labour issues. The ILO's primary objective is to provide opportunities for women and men to find decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equality, security and dignity.
The ILO Office in Turkey works to establish International Labour Standards in Turkey by actively engaging with the government, workers' and employers' organizations in conditions where the ILO's main priorities, labour standards, interests and policies are observed and its experiences are disseminated; and develops, implements and monitors technical cooperation programmes and projects to promote decent work opportunities for all.